Saturday, February 26, 2011

Imaginative Bridges in Interior Design

As I reflect on the imaginative bridges that exist between interior design and teaching, one of the things that come to mind are the using different ceiling heights to make the room more interesting. As an instructor, I think it is important deliver your content in levels. Just as space with uniform ceiling heights can be monotonous, no one wants to listen to a presentation that all sounds the same. When providing instruction, you can enrich your delivery by interjecting humor, elevating your voice, soliciting audience participation. These are different methods of providing levels while teaching.

Additionally Susanka spoke about focusing your energy improving the rooms that you utilize the most. The bridge I draw to teaching, is that you should focus on the things that you set you apart as an instructor. I have seen trainers try to be funny, when that is just not their talent. It is important to decorate the room where your talent lives.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Module 2: Film and Television

It was a fun module. First off there was the video clip on The Godfather which is one my all time favorite movies. What a great scen because it speaks volume about the Godfather, and hardly speaks in the scene. Additionally We made our own compelling video clips, which was interesting because I utilized my family as the actors. It was a scene where I was trying to capture the stress of motherhood. Which is funny because I wife was actually mad at me as I started recording. I just cam back from traveling, so naturally three children can be stressful. However, as I started recording it lightened the mood; and she started getting into it. She kept asking me to allow her to put on some makeup, but I was looking for a raw and real feel.

One thing that I found particularly interesting about the reading was the interview with Walter Murch, where he poses the question why does the cut transition work in editing? What I found more interesting was rationale that he offered, which was the experience through dreams allows our mind to process a non-linear story line.