Thursday, November 11, 2010

Module 5: The Big Idea

To synthesize my thoughts about this topic, I had a lot of fun and learned a lot. Since this module was also my group topic, I had to think way beyond the scope of the assignment to develop a much deeper understanding to help assist in creating something that could in turn be a beneficial for the class. Our group is experiencing many challenges collectively, so working them requires empathy to continue to push through our problems and contribute in the way that we can.

I think this assignment has made me look deeper at the work that I do everyday. I used to find it somewhat annoying that people marvelled over of the things that I do with technology. Partially, because a part of me felt that the praise was in a part a cop out for people to avoid their own technical development. I think this assignment in conjunction with trying to do a skills transfer with a co-worker has helped to see that I have been over simplifying what is required to do the work that I do. Because this kind of work is automatic for me, it is difficult for me to see the challenges inherent in this work. However, when I step back from it and visualize the work that is involved, the understanding of systems are interconnected, and how to achieve a desired outcome; there is a lot to it.

So there you have it. A deeper realization of my own embodied thinking and empathy for those who don't see the world with bluetooth glasses.

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