Friday, October 22, 2010

Module 4: What's the big idea?


Sometime our eyes can present the biggest challenge to resolving a problem, or seeing alternative options. The principle of abstracting is about reducing what we see to the most basic elements. The process involves examining and reexamining what is essential.
After arriving at the least common denominator, you are forced to examine the essence of the problem, the art, the writing.


There are scientific laws that govern everything we do. This tools allows us to examine the rules that govern one system, and apply it to another. In the case of Hellen Keller, it was used as a tool to gain insight into the things that she could not know about. Due to her blindness she could never perceive color the way that someone with sight would. However, she was familiar with the differences between the texture of surfaces, which served as a analogy for color. However, when you consider that color is bi-product of an object's ability to reflect light. One could argue that her analogy is more honest than our truth.

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