Monday, April 25, 2011

One last bridge to cross

I imagine this how someone feels who after running their first marathon. Along the way there were many points where I felt that I could not go on. That one more project, just might make colapse. But preserverance and patience, has brought me to the point where I can this is my last blog entry.As difficult and demanding as the assignments were, I did enjoy creating with them and reviewing the work of my class mates. It was always interesting to see what people would create. As look back on this journey, I won't say that I transformed, but I can say that if I had to run this marathon again, I wouldn't breath so hard. To clarify the metaphor a little more, I was creatively out of shape. Prior to the class, I was feeling stuck in a cycle of meetings, obligations, long days, and short nights. Hence, I had no time for creativity. While I am still stuck in that cycle, I do feel that this class forced me to stop, think, and question.

While I think a good amount of pressure is good, I think that less would have been more in this class. I would have enjoyed interacting more with my classmates, which may have resulted in more organic interaction. Additionally, I felt that there was a lot of focus on saying on what you learned, however I feel that learning occurs in the doing, and our projects, blogs, and discussions can best demonstrate what we have learned. Then the role of the professor becomes the role of the guide, who keeps us on "the path". Lastly, I think it would be good to utilize one tool for our group disucssion, blogs, and posts. My group seemed to gravitate towards the use of facebook.

That being said I really enjoyed the class, the discussions, and I learned a lot.

Rashad has left the building

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